The plan is to suggest following topics that cover tweets that garner attention from different accounts that the user might not even be following. This way information users get about their interests will not be limited to the pool of accounts they are following. Read More: How to get verified on Twitter Currently, the feature is being tested on the Android version of the app with sport-focused topics for now. Even though these topics are being created manually, adding content under each topic will be done by Twitter’s AI so update is automated and fresh. Also, users will be able to create a secondary personalized timeline that you can add any account, hashtag, and topic you want only. Moreso, you will be able to follow all topic of your choice on your main timeline as well. Twitter is planning to expand the topics to cover a wide range of subjects and interest. This will make it possible for users to have a timeline dedicated to a particular line of interest like Basketball and fitness tips. Lastly, Twitter is testing the option of temporarily unfollowing a certain topic as well if you don’t want tweets about it to appear on your timeline. At the moment, you can only mute specific accounts and words for a specified amount of time or indefinitely.